Monday, June 27, 2011

Creme de la Musika

Music in the role of language makes no attempt to champion the welfare or interests of individuals nor does it rally itself round issues of dispute. However, music functioning as a tool can possess a weighty and controlling influence.

In my experience, music also carries the ability to transport. Through an invisible membrane I am allowed safe passage to exotic worlds, alien culture and divergent dialects. Strangely, I find myself most exhilarated by the unfamiliar. From the backwaters of the Niger River to the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, I am permitted unlimited movement as if I were a naturalized citizen. Traversing these extraordinary landscapes, I inhale the rich and sticky scent of heady rhythms, dizzying pattern, raucous hues and the texture of tongues that require no translation.

So that readers might have the opportunity to journey alongside me, I’ve created a new blog page titled Crème de la Musika. Here, I offer a smorgy of favoured video selections featuring artists who have deeply influenced my emotions, my consciousness and the direction of my artwork.

Note: Adobe Flash Player 10.2 is required to enjoy the videos and is available online as a free download.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Taking Symbols Further

The symbol work continues to cycle through flow and ebb states. Where this will take me is unclear, but I am certain that the symbols have their purpose. They are meant to be shared and perhaps even meditated upon.

My predicament lies in how I might go about presenting the symbols as art. I have no guide, no navigation system, no school or movement to fall in line with. So for the moment I must rely on instinct and allow myself to drift naturally.

Included in this slideshow are a few of the symbols that have made the jump from raw birthing to more expressive renderings. This is all quite experimental but I am pleased with the results and will continue along this thread.

When the slideshow completes its rotation you can click on the icon located on the lower right-hand corner of the screen. This will open up another web page in Picasa Web Albums where the symbols may be viewed in an enlarged format with captions and tags.